December is my favorite month of the year. I even like the weather. Yeah, I know, it's weird, but I really like cold weather better than hot weather.
Anyway, Christmas is my favorite part of December, although my birthday is awesome too... lol.
We've already pretty much finished decorating, we're only adding things here and there now. Even some of the gifts are wrapped and under the nativity. Although, I haven't gotten gifts for my parents yet. They are so hard to shop for!
Did you know that this shall be one of my last two Christmases as a kid? Kinda weird, thinking of that fact that before I know it I'll be an adult... I should be graduated by then and hopefully I'll have a job.
I got sidetracked, sorry. Let's focus on
this Christmas, shall we? Hehe. We may be going to see a movie on Christmas Eve. Kinda different... Usually we just have a nice day together as a family and eat a yummy dinner and then go out and look at the lights, see who can find the most nativities, and we "shoot" the reindeer. ;-) Could be fun though! And we'll still do the other stuff.
What is your favorite Christmas song? Mine is
"Mary Did You Know" the version by KutlessAnd I was going to post
something to this affect, but my older brother beat me to it.
I love, love, love this time of year!
God bless!
And Merry Christmas!
~Katie K.