Sunday, January 30, 2011

I'm In An Annoyingly Optimistic Mood!

I just got back from a walk. The weather is lovely, music is amazing and God is awesome! Need I say more?
Well, I'm gonna say more, otherwise this would be a pathetically short post, wouldn't it? Hehehe.

The bathroom looks much better now! We have a new sink and a new toilet. Both are nicer and more streamlined than the old stuff. Very good! Amazing that a leak could lead to a bathroom renovation, huh?

I'm almost finished writing a new song. I randomly started singing bits of it yesterday while getting ready to go out, so I wrote it down. It's kinda pretty and kinda sad. Aimed at that friend I just lost... One of these days I'll post one or two of my songs on here, if any of you are interested. Not that one though, at least not yet. :-P It doesn't go with my happy mood!

I'm not really fond of the band Red, but I heard their new song "Faceless" on the radio and liked it a lot, so I started listening to their new album, and I liked most of it. Weird, huh? I may do a review on it, who knows... Actually, that might be interesting if I started doing album reviews from time-to-time...

And, I have nothing more to say... :-P

God bless!
~Katie K.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Everything Has Just Been Insane!

This blog is in serious need of an update. I just haven't updated it yet because everything has been nuts! You'd think that my root canal was enough insanity, but the house just had to start flooding... *Sigh* So, yesterday the landlord came out and he and his daughter ripped the bathroom to pieces looking for the leak, found it, fixed it and and now we have an enormous mess where the bathroom used to be. Of course, it'll be fixed up, but that'll take a few days. In the meantime everyone's been using the master bathroom. Not cool...
Then today, I went to see the dentist again. Everything went well and the dentist is very optimist about my condition! One more appointment and I should be through! Yay! I'll going to get things finished up next Thursday! Which is good, because as nice as my dentist is, I'm not exactly enjoying having all of these problems. At least i'm off of antibiotics even though the infection isn't completely dead. (Dentist said it could take as long as 6 months for it to completely heal! o_O)

Anyway in spite of all of these messes lately, I'm feeling pretty optimistic! So here's to there being fewer disasters through the rest of the year!

God bless you all!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Wow, What A Day!

Remember how I had that "slight but persistent toothache"? Well, it got bad. Literally kept me up all night last night. It was hurting a LOT. So, Daddy got me an appointment with a dentist. And Momma took me. We figured that they'd take an x-ray, give me antibiotics and send me home. Well, it ended up more complicated than that. After taking the x-ray, I was informed that I had a dying nerve that had to be removed immediately. Also an infection that was getting into the bone.
He decided that it would be best to give me an emergency root canal to remove the nerve. Which quite honestly freaked me out a bit... Root canals are one of those dreaded things. I tried to stay calm though. They actually gave me laughing gas (why is it called laughing gas??) to help me stay calm. At first it was fine, but after a few minutes, I started shaking really hard, couldn't control it. Thankfully by the time the dentist returned the worst of the shaking was over. Don't think he even knew I'd had a shaking fit. :-P When he got back though there was another problem, I wasn't numbed enough. So he numbed me further, however because of all of the pressure, he was unable to numb me completely. So I could at least somewhat feel everything he was doing to me during the root canal. It hurt. Oh well though, I toughed it. It wasn't that bad, and it was better than the possibility of losing my tooth or letting the infection keep growing. An infection that reaches the bone can become deadly. In spite of the pain, the root canal went very smoothly.
I now have a hole in my tooth that will be filled in about ten days. Right now it needs to drain.

I must say that the dentist I had was really good! Confident, likable, good at what he did and seemed to really respect his patients. He even called not long ago just make sure that I was okay and that all was going well like it was supposed to. I would totally go to him again!

So yeah, I'm exhausted, and I've had an emergency surgery today. Here's hoping tomorrow isn't as crazy!

God bless!
~Katie K.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Half A Month Into The Year And...

..It stinks. For me at least. Hopefully it's been better for you!
Actually, I shouldn't complain. It could be worse. Much, much, much worse. Like, instead of popping my knee in and out of joint and being forced off of my feet for a while, I could've broken my knee and been in a world of hurt!
Instead of a slight but persistent toothache, I could have a serious and persistent toothache that made it impossible to eat!
Instead of a sore throat and stuffy nose I could have... Strep throat and the flu! (Or worse!)
Instead of painfully losing one friend, I could've painfully lost all of my friends.

The list goes on and on, and on, and on...

Yeah, life can seem pretty stinky at times. It kinda seems that way for me right now. Kinda strange though, I know that there are many people who would look at my life and would be happy to trade with me! My life isn't so bad! It's a million times better than dying of some deadly disease. It's a ton better than being abused by someone who should love you. It's better than living in a remote country and starving.

Tons of ways my life could be worse. Actually, even though I'm having a rough time, I'm starting to be quite thankful that I've got such small problems! What right have I to complain? Yes, I know even small things can hurt a lot, I've experienced that pain. Just earlier today I was actually fighting depression! Seems pretty silly now!

Life is full of pain. Some people get more than others. I've been blessed to live a life like mine. There have been genuinely painful moments in my life, and it's okay to hurt, but not to complain. God is good. Let's learn to praise Him even when we hurt.

God bless you all!
~Katie K

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Let's Just Make It Official

It would seem that I've been taking a break from blogging anyway, so I'm just gonna make it official. I'm not exactly having a wonderful start to this year so I don't have much pleasant to say.
I don't know when I'll be back, but it should be quite soon.

Have a wonderful new year!
God bless,
~Katie K.