Saturday, June 25, 2011

Hello, Bloggy World!

I hath been absent again! Where have I been? Doing lots of stuff...
I joined a youth group and I'm loving it! I missed such things. I've only been going three weeks now though, so I haven't really made any friends there yet. Hopefully I will soon though! The music is nice, very uplifting, and I like the youth pastor.
We got a new car. Did I mention that? She's dark red and needs a name. And she has air conditioning!! AH! Wonderful! I so missed air conditioning!

My best friend, who lives in another state, hasn't been online much, though I'm chatting with her on g-mail now! Ah, how I miss that lovely girl!

Photographing lightning is hard! I got a kind of stinky shot of it about a week ago, but I'd love something better! I'll keep trying! I'm on a photography scavenger hunt, and one of the things I need to get is lightning. Another thing is body art... Trouble with that is that I don't know anyone nearby that has a tattoo, and I've had a hard time working up the courage to ask some stranger if I can take a picture of their tattoo. Haha.

I edited that song in the post below this one. Shall I post the new version or not? I thought it was a lot better.

Well, that is all for now. I feel like changes are just around the corner, and that cool with me. I like change. Gives me something to talk and blog about. ;)

God bless y'all!
~Katie K.