Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Of Randomness, Rap Music, Food, and Stuff

Well, here I am, posting once more. I'm hungry. I'm considering another cup of coffee. I'm hungry. I'm listening to "No Plan B" by Manafest. I've given up on the idea that I don't like rap. I like Manafest, he's good. So, I like exceptional rap. Like Manafest and Toby Mac. I still prefer rap with singing though. I'm hungry.

I think it's wrong to be deceptive to get people interested, and then shove God in their faces in attempt to convert them to Christ. Which is why I don't listen to Flyleaf...

Still listening to "No Plan B", but I may change to a different song soon.

I'm loving fall. The weather is nice, and I've been able to start wearing my leather jacket. I love that jacket. (Now I'm listening to "Avalanche" by Manafest.) Yesterday my mom baked up a cinnamon bread that tasted just like fall. I hadn't known that food could taste like a season, but that bread did. It is yummy. Maybe I'll snag a slice. I'm hungry.

I'm thinking of making a new template for my blog. I know what you're thinking, "But you just made that template!" But I'm already a bit bored with it, and I'm kinda wanting something wintery. So, do you like this template for now, or do you think I should make another? (Be honest!)

Oh, and on Sunday I'm gonna go see my cousin, who is a bride-to-be. She's wanting to get all of the bridesmaids (I'm gonna be her bridesmaid.) and such together to meet and get on the same page. Sounds fun to me. I look forward to meeting the other bridesmaids. I just hope that at nearly 16 I'm not gonna be the youngest there. :-P

Well, that was random, but it was a post! Hope it made sense, I just typed it up in a hurry. :-P

God bless, y'all!
~Katie K.

Now I'm listening to "Every Time You Run" also by Manafest.


Bear said...

Somebody please give this child some food.

Anna said...

**laughs** I'm FINALLY commenting on this poor hungry post. Wait a minute, its the writer who's hungry, not the post ;)

A new template already? I thought you just said the other day you liked this template and didn't want to change it? Oh well, I like changes. Haha! You should do something wintry! I can help if you want :D

Oooh!There is some apple oatmeal cookies I like to make, and they taste just like fall in my opinion :D

You shall look very beautiful in a brides-maid dress! I demand pictures! Lots and LOTS of pictures! **Demands**

Rap. Laura showed me a song by TobyMac the other night, that was rap, I actually liked it. I might start to like rap with you..

There. I finally commented on your poor blog post!

Love you!


Rache said...

Hello! :-) Just thought I'd stop by and say hi! We were friends on HSB, but I think I have nearly given up on HSB completely so I have lost track of people. LOL How are ya? Hope you're doing well. *hugs*
~Rachel (usually known as "Rose" online) LOL :-)

Katie Knight said...

Hello! Nice to see that you found my blog. :-D I gave up on HSB long ago. I have come to really like Blogger though.
I'm doing pretty well! You?

God bless!
~Katie K.

Rachel said...

Hey! haha Yes I am glad I found it! LOL Blogger seems nice, I am thinking of asking my parents for blogger. :-) I wanted to comment on Willow's blog but you can't just do name and url on hers. :-(
I am doing very well, just crazy busy! :-P
God Bless ya!