I keep starting posts and not finishing. I'll try to get back to really blogging soon! In the meantime I'll see if I can FINALLY get over this stinking illness. :P (Yeah, I've been sick, as has almost everyone else in my family.)
I also need to get caught up on e-mails and other things. I'm so behind! :P
God bless!
(And don't get sick!!)
~Katie K.
Aw, you've been sick? :( Hope you all feel better soon. . .
I puked yesterday but that was just because of a migraine :O I'm sure that just made your day. Wahoo.
I think you need to call me soon ;) We haven't talked in ages.
Oh, and I'll be taking some pictures of Israel soon! I'm just waiting for my new lens to come. So yeah, be on the lookout for those. . .
Lulaaaa xx
Yep. I was sick. I'm pretty much better today, but I am still horrifically congested. What a terribly long time to be sick. :P
Oh, you're still suffering from migraines? Yikes.
Yes, we really need to plan a phone call! I sent you an e-mail a few weeks ago suggesting that we should, but you never replied. :-/ I'll e-mail you again soon about it. :)
*Keeping a look out for pics of little Israel*
Ughh that's horrible :( Actually we all have yucky colds right now, we didn't go to church today. I felt bad because I was supposed to be working in the nursery.
Yeah. . .silly old migraines. I just hate the fact that I can't find any specific triggers. Other than everything I eat, too little sleep, not eating often enough, eating too much, exercising too much, exercising too little, etc etc etc. hahaa being alive gives me migraines! ahhh! :P
Ohh dear! Did I really not reply? I thought I did. . .get ready for what will sound like a lame excuse, but it's true ;) My computer crashed a little while ago so I lost all of my emails. Not to mention a ton of music I should have moved over to my external hard drive, but no matter. Anyways. I had to reinstall the whole OS, and everything I had on my pc before. After I installed outlook and sucked all of my emails off my webmail, my computer blue screened again so I lost them all a second time. Then outlook wasn't configured right so my emails weren't actually getting sent. So somewhere in the midst of all of this chaos I must have lost your email.
Sorry if that didn't make much sense. :O
Lens coming on Tuesday, pics soon after :)
Yucky colds seem to be going all around the world right now. It's this awful two-week one. I even have a friend all the way over in South Africa who had either the same illness or one eerily similar to the one I'm just now beating. Blehhh.... Get better soon! I hope all you have is a regular cold! Being sick for TWO-weeks stinks! :P
Life gives you migraines... Augh. Wish I could help. If I knew a miracle cure for migraines I'd be rich. lol. Actually, I'd probably just give it away, but alas I know no cure. :-/
No, you really never replied, but if all that happened with your computer, it's totally okay! I'll e-mail you again so we can work things out! So sorry you lost all of that! That'd kill me, especially the lost music! AHHH!!! You should get an account on G-mail again so that you don't lose all your e-mails just because of a computer crash.
It's Tuesday, but you haven't posted pics yet... Oh well.
God bless!
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