Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Strange Things...

You know, it's odd, one day you'll be going around in short sleeves and seeing butterflies. The next you'll be bundling up like an Eskimo and trying to make you're way across ice. Those poor frozen butterflies... Watch out for penguins!

I created a snow alien, his name was Fred. He didn't live very long. I accidentally knocked his head off, then I got frustrated and kicked him into oblivion. I guess it was okay though, he didn't like kids much... He had a nice tail and cool hair though.

Last night I went to a movie with my older brother, and on the way there while we were sitting at an intersection waiting for the light to turn green, there was a strange and mysterious sight up in the nearly dark sky. 500 to 1,000 birds flying in these sort of circles over the intersection. They just kept going and going and going....

Movie reviewers don't always do a movie justice. I was led to believe by the reviews that Megamind would be only an okay movie. I came away loving it and wanting to own it. It was great!

When you go to the store to only buy a couple items, you leave with several. When you go to the store to buy lots of items, you forget a great deal of them. Usually.

I used to love monkeys. Blehhhhh.

Freedom of speech is slowly disappearing.

The post on this blog with the most comments is my very first post. It was a test post. It got six comments.

God bless!
~Katie K.


Birdie said...

Sounds fairly normal to me, but I live here.

Anonymous said...

Man, I wish things like that happened where I lived! XD