Sunday, October 3, 2010

Just To Put Up A Post...

Well, I haven't really got much to say, but I felt the need to post, so here's a post! A very boring, meaningless post. FUN! Er, well maybe not so much... The good news is that I AM working on a much, much deeper post, but I may not post it until my blog obtains a larger following.

Some bad news is that my headphones died today. I am very unhappy about this because I love music and now I have to wait until Friday for new ones.

Some more good news: It's official, I'm going to the Kutless concert! :-D YAY! I'm sooo excited!

On that note, I shall say farewell until next time!
God bless!


Jessica Rebekah said...

I know that kind of feeling! ;)

Sorry about your headphones mine don’t work either. There is ALWAYS something wrong with my headphones I’ve had like 4-5 pairs in the last two years! =/ so I’ll have to stick with my earphones till I get new HP! =/

Looking forward to reading your “deeper” post. =)

Oh, I bet you’re excited about the Kutless concert! :D Have you been to a concert before?

God bless
Love ya,

Anna said...

**Frowns** I posted on this!

Anyway.. I hope you have fun at the Kutless Concert! **is a tad bit jealous**

I can't wait to read the deeper post ;)

Love you!