Friday, November 19, 2010

Why Lyric Sheets Are Important. :-P

If you hear a song with lyrics like this:

"I am not what you see, oh no,
Not much more than a sleeve I, I wish to be,
'Cause I am not what you see,
Not much more a sleeve I should be,
Nothing more, a sleeve I will be."

You might wanna find out if you're hearing it right... Because that happened to me several years ago when that song was still pretty new. I found out that it was really:

"I am not what you see, oh no,
Not much more than a slave I, I wish to be
'Cause I am not what you see,
Not much more a slave I should be,
Nothing more, a slave I will be."
(From "Not What You See" by Kutless)

Oh! Yeah, NOW it makes sense... :-P

Then not long ago, my mom and I were listening to the radio and we thought we heard:

"I put my faith in me alone,
I put my hope in God alone."

O_O Wow. I'm so glad we were wrong! It was actually:

"I put my faith in the unknown,
I put my hope in God alone."
(From "Believe" by The Letter Black.)

Whew, okay much better, because I was worried about that band... And our radio station. :-P I just feel bad because when I made that mistake, I also went and ranted about it on Google Buzz. So, a lot of people now think that there really was a song with such disturbing lyrics... *Facepalm* My most sincere apologies to The Letter Black!

Another one from the radio...

"Go get your chauffeur,
And we'll take it deeper,
To bury the castle,
Bury the castle."

You know, oddly I was able to make some sense out of that... Don't ask though, I'm not sure I could explain. :-P It was actually:

"Go get your shovel,
And we'll dig a deep hole,
To bury the castle,
Bury the castle."
(From "Brick By Boring Brick" by Paramore.)

Which still doesn't make much sense unless you know the song...

There are some classic mistakes that a lot of you already know, because I've posted them on older blogs:

"Come in adjust this terrifying comb,
A paradox in me."

Which was really:

"Come images that terrify and calm,
A paradox in me."
(From "Passion" by Kutless.)

I've always thought that was one of the most hilarious mistakes I ever made... And then there's this great one my brother made:

"How can I be quiet now,
When I'm believing I'm a woman?"

Ha, yeah I was shocked when he told me that that was what he was hearing! I was quick to correct him:

"How can I be quiet now,
When I believe it and I want it?"
(From "Loud" by Kutless.)

So, have any of y'all gotten the lyrics in a song horrible wrong? If so, I'd love to know some of them! I find it hilarious to know the mistakes people (including myself!) make. However these days I usually look at lyrics when I hear a song for the first time, so I no longer make so many mistakes. :-P

God bless!
~Katie K.


Hailey Renée said...

How about...
"Like the singin' bird and the broken toe,
I've got a name,
I've got a name."

When it was actually...
"Like the singin' bird and the croakin' toad,
I've got a name,
I've got a name."

That one wasn't actually me, that was a friend whose name shall remain unknown.


Willow said...

Well, one time, I thought that a song by Relient K said "I'm running at you with my best defences." but it really said "I'm running from you, that's what my biggest offense is." :P How are you doing? Haven't talked in a while...

Rachel said...

Hey Katie!
haha I have had this happen to me before also. LOL Nice post, I like it. :-) Hope you're doing well and have a Happy Thanksgiving! God has given us all so much to be thankful for, hasn't he?! God Bless!
~Rach <3